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In this article you will learn about difference between HTML and HTML5.


Introduction to Markup Languages


The term markup language may not ring the bell for an individual who has never been a part of the web designing universe but for the professionals, it is no less than the gravitational force that keeps the world wide web organized and accessible. The markup languages are basically used to process, embed, manage and manipulate text in style files and tags by making them easier for computers to understand and control. The markup languages laid the foundation of World Wide Web years ago and all that you see in organized format is due to the perfect combination of design (CSS), text (markup) and their interaction with the help of front end scripts.

标记语言一词可能对于一个从来没有参与过Web设计领域的人来说可能不会响起,但对于专业人士而言,正是使网络保持组织和可访问性的引力。 标记语言通过使计算机更易于理解和控制,基本上用于处理,嵌入,管理和操作样式文件和标记中的文本。 几年前,标记语言奠定了万维网的基础,您看到的所有有组织的格式归功于设计(CSS),文本(标记)及其在前端脚本的帮助下的交互的完美结合。



HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) was the first out and out markup language for web development purposes and all the web pages that we see in an organized and interactive format with engaging multi media, styled texts, and many more things are due to some form of variation of the latest HTML language version. The language allows developers to organize text, hyperlinks, and multimedia in the form of interactive and engaging content in web browsers. The text structures are defined by various tags and these tags are defined by < and > characters. World Wide Web Consortium is responsible for regulating the HTML standards and its developing guidelines and works ethics since 1997. The language has evolved greatly from its primary days of complicated style and content tags principle in one single go to use of style sheets and content defining tags separately.

HTML(超文本标记语言)是用于Web开发目的的首批标记语言,也是我们以有组织的交互格式看到的所有网页的一种引人入胜的多媒体,带样式的文本,还有更多的原因是某种形式最新HTML语言版本的变化。 该语言允许开发人员在Web浏览器中以交互式和引人入胜的内容的形式组织文本,超链接和多媒体。 文本结构由各种标签定义,而这些标签由<和>字符定义。 自1997年以来,万维网联盟(World Wide Web Consortium)一直负责规范HTML标准及其开发准则和职业道德。该语言从其复杂的样式和内容标签原理的早期发展为一次使用样式表和内容定义标签的重大发展分别。



The HTML markup language has very much evolved with time and HTML5 is the latest version that comes with a plethora of new features and efficiency in the web development galaxy. The latest version is a better integration of CSS, Java and HTML components that are focused to make it easy for developers to create better apps and make the whole technology better accessible for the mobile devices.

HTML标记语言随着时间的推移已经有了很大的发展,HTML5是最新版本,它在Web开发星系中具有大量新功能和效率。 最新版本是CSS,Java和HTML组件的更好集成,其重点是使开发人员可以轻松创建更好的应用程序,并使整个技术可以更好地用于移动设备。

Difference between HTML and HTML5

HTML和HTML5之间的区别 (Difference between HTML and HTML5)

Allows the JavaScript to run only in the browser interface but not originally in the browser background. The JavaScript can actually run in the background of the browser itself through JS web worker API.
Does not allow audio <audio> and video <video> tags. Does allow audio and video controls and the tags.
One cannot draw various shapes (circles, triangles, rectangles, and others) in older HTML versions. HTML5 allows one to draw various shapes (circles, triangles, rectangles, and others).
 Older HTML versions are less mobile-friendly. HTML5 language is more mobile-friendly.
Supports vector graphics only with the help of programs like Flash, Silver-light, and VML. HTML 5 allows the use of virtual vector graphics without the help of programs like Flash, Silver-light, and VML.
Doctype declaration is too long and complicated in HTML. Doctype declaration is quite simple and easy in HTML 5.
Character encoding is long and complicated in HTML. Character encoding is pretty simple and easy in HTML 5.
It uses cookies to store temporary data. It uses SQL databases and application cache to store offline data.
Tracking the GeoLocation of a user browsing any website through HTML is almost impossible. One can track the GeoLocation of a user easily in HTML 5 by using  JS GeoLocation API.
Old elements still exist in older HTML. strike, frame, frameset, font, center, tt, big, dir, acronym, basefont, noframes, applet, isindex and various other deprecated elements are dropped completely in HTML 5.
Attributes like charset, async and ping are absent in HTML. Attributes of charset, async and ping are a part of HTML 5.
Parsing rules are less efficient and overall compatibility across various platforms is obsolete. HTML 5 possesses better parsing rules and compatibility across various platforms.
It does not allow drag and drop effects. HTML5 allows drag and drop effects.
允许JavaScript仅在浏览器界面中运行,而不是最初在浏览器后台中运行。 实际上,JavaScript可以通过JS Web Worker API在浏览器本身的后台运行。
不允许音频<音频>和视频<视频>标签。 确实允许音频和视频控件以及标签。
一个不能在较旧HTML版本中绘制各种形状(圆形,三角形,矩形和其他形状)。 HTML5允许绘制各种形状(圆形,三角形,矩形和其他形状)。
较旧HTML版本不太适合移动设备使用。 HTML5语言对移动设备更加友好。
仅在Flash,Silver-light和VML等程序的帮助下支持矢量图形。 HTML 5无需借助Flash,Silver-light和VML等程序即可使用虚拟矢量图形。
Doctype声明在HTML中太长且复杂。 在HTML 5中,Doctype声明非常简单。
HTML中的字符编码很长很复杂。 在HTML 5中,字符编码非常简单容易。
它使用cookie来存储临时数据。 它使用SQL数据库和应用程序缓存来存储脱机数据。
跟踪通过HTML浏览任何网站的用户的地理位置几乎是不可能的。 通过使用JS GeoLocation API,可以轻松地在HTML 5中跟踪用户的GeoLocation。
旧元素仍然存在于旧HTML中。 ,框架,框架,字体,中心,TT,大,目录,首字母缩写词,BASEFONT,无框架,小应用程序,ISINDEX和各种其它弃用的元件以HTML 5完全丢弃。
HTML中缺少诸如charset,async和ping之类的属性。 字符集,异步和ping的属性是HTML 5的一部分。
解析规则效率较低,并且跨各种平台的整体兼容性已过时。 HTML 5具有更好的解析规则和跨各种平台的兼容性。
它不允许拖放效果。 HTML5允许拖放效果。

IT technology is susceptible to changes and upgrades over the time and the fact that changes are inevitable holds true even in terms of markup languages. The HTML5 language has provided more benefits to developers in terms of better audio and video support with the help of incorporating the use of third party plug-ins which was not possible with the earlier versions. The various other differences between the two markup languages are:

IT技术易于随着时间的推移而发生更改和升级,并且即使在标记语言方面,不可避免的更改仍然适用。 HTML5语言通过结合使用第三方插件的使用,为开发人员提供了更好的音频和视频支持,这是早期版本无法实现的,从而为开发人员提供了更多好处。 两种标记语言之间的其他差异如下:

  • The latest version of HTML (HTML5) boasts off more API’s than its predecessor. For example, HTML did not allow Java Script to run within the web browser but the latest version does support Java Script to run in background by using JS web worker API.

    最新版本HTML(HTML5)拥有比其前身更多的API。 例如,HTML不允许Java Script在Web浏览器中运行,但是最新版本确实支持通过使用JS Web Worker API在后台运行Java Script。
  • HTML5 supports the Vector graphics without colligation of programs like Flash, Silver-light, and VML.

  • The mathematical notations are better presented in HTML5 than its previous versions through the use of MathML.

  • The latest version of the markup language allows better drag and drop effects that were not possible with the previous versions.

  • HTML5 provides better compatibility across all platforms due to the much-improved parsing rules that it possesses over other versions.

  • HTML5 allows SQL databases and application cache to store temporary (offline) data while in the previous versions; only browser cache was available for serving the cause.

    HTML5允许SQL数据库和应用程序缓存在以前的版本中存储临时(离线)数据。 只有浏览器缓存可用于解决该问题。
  • The HTML5 allows better input attributes and form controls than its predecessors like email, date and time, URL, range, tel, search, number and much

  • The deprecated elements like strike, frame, frameset, font, center, tt, big, dir, acronym, basefont, noframes, applet, isindex are dropped completely in the latest version of markup language.

  • The new and improved HTML5 consists of various new elements like; nav, audio, figcaption, progress, command, time, datalist, video, figure, meter, data, section, time, aside, canvas, summary, rp, rt, details, wbr, header, footer, keygen, embed, article, hgroup, bdi, mark, output, source, track, section, ruby and many more.

    新的和改进HTML5由各种新元素组成,例如; 导航,音频,figcaption,进度,命令,时间,数据列表,视频,图,仪表,数据,部分,时间,一旁,画布,摘要,rp,rt,详细信息,wbr,页眉,页脚,keygen,嵌入,文章, hgroup,bdi,mark,output,source,track,section,ruby等。
  • HTML5 also possesses the attributes like charset, async and ping, which were not present in the earlier versions of the web designing language.

  • Tabindex, id and repeat can be applied for all the elements in the latest version of markup language.




Change is the rule of nature and information technology is no exception to this rule. The fickle technology aspect is consistently improving by leaving behind old technology and embracing the new. The markup languages are focused on providing a better web experience for developers and end users alike and also to make World Wide Web more accessible to the people living in even the world’s remotest corners and only better technology and attributes can help in that process.

变化是自然法则,信息技术也不例外。 善变的技术方面通过抛弃旧技术并拥抱新技术而不断得到改善。 标记语言的重点是为开发人员和最终用户提供更好的Web体验,并且使居住在世界上最偏远角落的人们都可以更轻松地访问万维网,只有更好的技术和属性才能在此过程中提供帮助。

The advanced HTML 5 is always a better prospect than the older versions due to the simple fact of more audio and video controls available with the interface. The developers who want to stay relevant with the latest technology and practices should never shy away from the latest version of the markup language. The future roll outs of the language are expected to provide better privacy tools and other core applications foundations along with digital rights management tools as stated by the World Wide Web Consortium.

先进HTML 5总是比旧版本更好的前景,这是因为该界面提供了更多的音频和视频控件。 希望与最新技术和实践保持联系的开发人员切勿回避最新版本的标记语言。 如World Wide Web Consortium所述,该语言的未来预计将提供更好的隐私工具和其他核心应用程序基础以及数字版权管理工具。

The HTML horizon will expand more in upcoming years and in order to combat the needs of modern day users and to provide a better web browsing experience to them will definitely require the present developers to unravel new ways and use better technology to cater the needs of social media and mobile interface that are constantly changing the face of the digital media industry. It is very important that the web developing professionals embrace the latest version of markup language to not only stay relevant with the present demands of the industry but also to use the latest technology to overcome the challenges posed in terms of mobile technology, more responsive designs and better compatibility of the overall web applications.

HTML的范围在未来几年将进一步扩展,并且为了满足现代用户的需求并向他们提供更好的Web浏览体验,肯定会要求当前的开发人员探索新的方式并使用更好的技术来满足社交需求。媒体和移动界面正在不断改变数字媒体行业的面貌。 网络开发人员必须接受最新版本的标记语言,这不仅与行业的当前需求保持联系,而且要使用最新技术来克服在移动技术,响应速度更快的设计和解决方案方面所面临的挑战,这一点非常重要。整个Web应用程序的更好的兼容性。

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